Interior House Painters Whangarei & Bay of Islands
Northland Painters are house painting specialists
It is important to us that we communicate effectively with you, the client. Interior painting jobs can be a disturbance in the household and so need to be well managed. If we paint the whole interior of the house, your furniture will need to be shifted. It is best if we all work on this to make it happen as easily as possible. We always lay plastic sheeting over flooring to protect your home.
Our interior painting process:
- Using sugar soap, we wash all surfaces
- Fix any damaged plaster and fill holes
- Prime any bare wood or gib and sand surfaces
- Paint to suit the area. Bathrooms and kitchens need special attention.
Interior House Painting Workmanship
Our workmanship is of the highest standard. We only use Resene or Dulux products to the manufacturers guidelines. We discuss any variations with you prior to continuing.
Standards in your home
Our team keeps your home tidy during their work and will consult with you any questions of where to clean brushes and so on. Time to complete the job will vary depending on your requirements but we will give you an indication of this when we discuss your needs.